Friday, February 12, 2010

Picture Of An Ulcer On Gum Does This Girl I Like Have Herpes?

Does this Girl I like have herpes? - picture of an ulcer on gum

Well I met this girl last week. We have a good time, and then came to me last night. I realized that on the corner of the mouth and not directly on the gum used to be very clear. Or was it a wound or ulcer. It looked like a mole. Of course, I could not see, but I'm pretty sure it does not affect the gums. I am happy that I did not kiss her. I saw pictures of herpes and the pain does not look like herpes. It could be cold sores. I hope someone can shed some light on this


Kenny B said...

In fact, another name for fever blisters cold sores, and when a cold sores, genital herpes, you can from him the virus (catch themselves) to. Do not panic, though. In addition, impetigo (sometimes staphylococci) may seem like a cold sore and is very contagious.

Lynzeigh said...

Sounds like it could be a cold sore. You are right to be cautious, cold sores are contagious, and if they are lost and again, but there were always simmering under the skin and can continue to burn.

Is it possible that subtle question is, what is it?

Melyn said...

I do not know why all the freaks of a cold sore. Yes, it is a form of genital herpes, but form. It has the same effects with genital warts.

kyle_bel... said...

shamelessly Take the test!

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