Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stream Fish Sticks South Park My Fish Keeps Swimming In The Filter Stream, Why?

My fish keeps swimming in the filter stream, why? - stream fish sticks south park

My male guppy no non-stop all day long in the flow of water into the filter, not its punch when I put food in approach and has a very small amount. I have not), a 10 gallon tank, 2 a.m. to 3 p.m. more guppies platies (Leave. Why do this?


Morgan said...

This is normal. Your tank is big enough. When I guppies they did. It is simply because they like a feeling for it. Hey, they must also play well?

Morgan said...

This is normal. Your tank is big enough. When I guppies they did. It is simply because they like a feeling for it. Hey, they must also play well?

someone said...

You may not like a feel for the water that comes to him in the filters and other fish you are trying to disturb and move away, to watch an eye on other fish around, which hurts when your male guppy!

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